Additional Shifts I am also interested in working the following shifts: (select the checkbox and configure the options only for each desired extra shift): Shift #2 Task: no preference basic intermediate advanced Day: no preference Friday Saturday Sunday Hour: no preference 5AM 7AM 9AM 11AM 1PM 3PM 5PM 7PM Duration: no preference 2 hours 4 hours 6 hours Shift #3 Task: no preference basic intermediate advanced Day: no preference Friday Saturday Sunday Hour: no preference 5AM 7AM 9AM 11AM 1PM 3PM 5PM 7PM Duration: no preference 2 hours 4 hours 6 hours
I am also interested in working the following shifts:
(select the checkbox and configure the options only for each desired extra shift):
Shift #3 Task: no preference basic intermediate advanced Day: no preference Friday Saturday Sunday Hour: no preference 5AM 7AM 9AM 11AM 1PM 3PM 5PM 7PM Duration: no preference 2 hours 4 hours 6 hours
Your name:
Your e-mail:
Cell phone number with area code where you can be reached on race day:
Your rowing affiliation: Austin Rowing Club Texas Rowing Center Rowing Dock Unaffiliated
Your t-shirt size: I already have a volunteer shirt small medium large extra large
If you are racing, please specify your race times: Saturday morning Saturday afternoon Sunday morning Sunday afternoon
If you have special request for a certain job, working with a certain person or a special need, please indicate that in this space: